Gil Omenn, Matthew Barber, Ann Demogines, & Randolph Nesse

The winners of the Gil Omenn Prize for 2013 and 2014 received recognition and their $5000 prize money at the inaugural meeting of the International Society for Evolution, Medicine & Public Health. Gil Omenn has just announced a major donation to the Society that will sustain the prize for at least three more years.  The prize is awarded for the best article published each year on a topic related to evolution in the context of medicine and public health in any journal.

Matthew Barber was awarded the 2014 Prize for his paper  “Escape from bacterial iron piracy through rapid evolution of transferrin” by Matthew Barber and Nels Elde from the University of Utah. The article appeared in Science 346:1362-6, 2014.
See more at:
Thanks to the prize committee: Sarah Tishkoff, Joe Alcock, Noah Rosenberg, and Alison Galvani

Ann Demogines was awarded the 2013 Prize for her paper  Dual Host-Virus Arms Races Shape an Essential Housekeeping Protein by Demogines A, Abraham J, Choe H, Farzan M, Sawyer SL (2013). PLoS Biol 11(5):e1001571. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001571
See more at:
Thanks to the Prize Committee, Allen Rodrigo (chair), Carl Bergstrom, and Sarah Tishkoff

Also, note that the Society now also sponsors the George C Williams Prize for the best article published in the Oxford Press journal, Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health



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