The 2022 $5000 Gilbert Omenn Prize for the most significant article published in 2021 about evolution, medicine, and public health has been awarded to :Randolph HE, Fiege JK, Thielen BK, Mickelson CK, Shiratori M, Barroso-Batista J, Langlois RA, Barreiro LB (2021) Genetic ancestry effects on the response to viral infection are pervasive but cell type-specific. Science 26;374(6571):1127-1133. (alas, not open access, but Randolph’s Tweet thread provides a good summary)Haley Randolph - Graduate Researcher (Barreiro Lab) - University of Chicago | LinkedIn

Haley Randolph Is a PhD candidate in the Committee on Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA in the laboratory of Luis B. Barreiro.

She will present the research at ISEMPH 2022, July 5-8 in Lisbon.


The Prize Committee also awarded Honorable Mention to two other outstanding articles.

Catania F, Ujvari B, Roche B, Capp JP, Thomas F (2021). Bridging tumorigenesis and therapy resistance with a non-Darwinian and non-Lamarckian mechanism of adaptive evolution. Frontiers in Oncology, 3645.

Jaeggi AV, Blackwell AD, von Rueden C, Trumble BC, Stieglitz J, Garcia AR, Kraft TS, Beheim BA, Hooper PL, Kaplan H, Gurven M (2021). Do wealth and inequality associate with health in a small-scale subsistence society? ELife, 10, 1–28.

The International Society of Evolution, Medicine and Public Health each year awards the Gilbert Omenn Prize  of $5,000 to the first author of the most significant article relevant to evolution, medicine and public health published in any journal in the previous year. The prize is made possible by the generosity of Gilbert Omenn.  Members of the Prize Committee for this year are Martin Brüne, Caleb Finch (Chair), Joachim Kurtz, Chris Kuzawa, Connie Mulligan, and Carol Worthman.

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