The December 2011 Evolution Education and Outreach is a Special Issue devoted to Evolution and Medicine, edited by Kristin Jenkins and Micheal Antolin.  A link to the special issue is here.  Some articles are available on the author’s personal websites.

Evolution: Education and Outreach. Volume 4 Number 4 (Dec 2011)

Guest Editors: Kristin Jenkins and Michael F Antolin

Editorial by Niles Eldredge and Gregory Eldredge

Evolution and Medicine by Kristin P. Jenkins and Michael F. Antolin

Diagnosis: Evolution by Thomas R. Meagher

Evolutionary Medicine and the Medical School Curriculum: Meeting Students Along Their Paths to Medical School by Jay B. Labov

Enhancing the Teaching of Evolution in Public Health by Gilbert S. Omenn

A Clinical Perspective in Evolutionary Medicine: What We Wish We Had Learned in Medical School by Joe Alcock and Mark D. Schwartz

Developing a Curriculum for Evolutionary Medicine: Case Studies of Scurvy and Female Reproductive Tract Cancers by Tatjana Buklijas, Felicia M. Low, Alan S. Beedle and Peter D. Gluckman

Evolution and Medicine: An Inquiry-Based High School Curriculum Supplement by Paul M. Beardsley, Molly A. M. Stuhlsatz, Rebecca A. Kruse, Irene A. Eckstrand and Shefa D. Gordon, et al.

On Designing Courses in Evolutionary Medicine by Stephen C. Stearns

Evolution, Medicine, and the Darwin Family by Michael F. Antolin

How Cancer Shapes Evolution and How Evolution Shapes Cancer by Matias Casás-Selves and James DeGregori

The Double-Edged Sword: How Evolution Can Make or Break a Live-Attenuated Virus Vaccine by Kathryn A. Hanley

Evolutionary Medicine: A Key to Introducing Evolution by W. Eric Meikle and Eugenie C. Scott

Why Don’t People Think Evolution Is True? Implications for Teaching, In and Out of the Classroom by Warren D. Allmon

What Do Experts and Novices “See” in Evolutionary Problems? by Ross H. Nehm and Judith Ridgway

Freshman Undergraduate Biology Students’ Difficulties with the Concept of Common Ancestry by Brian T. White and Steven Yamamoto

Education Is Life Itself: Biological Evolution as a Model for Human Learning by Paul Grobstein and Alice Lesnick


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