Born to be bad?

Born to be bad?

Carlo Maley has recently tweeted the arrival of a new paper on measurement of clonal diversity in oesophageal cancer, and the use of such diversity markers in predicting which patients with non-dysplastic Barrett’s Oesophagus will progress to cancer and which will...
The search for the perfect human embryo is over

The search for the perfect human embryo is over

Back on May 13th I wrote a post entitled “Evolutionary biology takes a hard look at IVF and human conception”. In it I suggested that aneuploidy – chromosomal abnormality – was in fact normal for human embryos and had evolved as a male strategy...
Old lions die while cougars roar!

Old lions die while cougars roar!

Something a little light-hearted for a change. Hui Liu, Linda J. Waite, Shannon Shen and Donna H. Wang have just published a report on the effect of regular and enjoyable sex in later life, in the Journal of Health and Social Behaviour. It appears that, for men,...