Nominations are open now for the 2018 Omenn Prize, to be awarded at the 2019 ISEMPH Meeting in Zurich. The submission deadline is March 31, 2019

The International Society for Evolution, Medicine & Public Health invites nominations for the Omenn Prize of $5000 for the best article published in 2016 in any scientific journal on a topic related to evolution in the context of medicine and public health. It will be awarded in August 2019 at the ISEMPH Meeting in Zurich.

The prize, provided by the generosity of Gilbert S. Omenn, will be awarded to the first author of the winning article.  One of the authors will be invited to present a talk at the meeting. Authors are encouraged to nominate their own articles, but nominations of articles by others are also welcome.

Nominations close March 31, 2019

Any relevant peer-reviewed article with a publication date of 2018 for the final version of the article is eligible, but the prize is intended for work that uses evolutionary principles to advance understanding of a disease or disease process.  The prize committee will give priority to articles with implications for human health, but many basic science or theoretical articles have such implications.

The Prize Committee for this year is chaired by Andrew Read (Penn State, infectious disease) and includes Mel Greaves (FRS, Cancer, London); Steve Simpson (FRS, Sydney, nutrition); Thom McDade (Northwestern, anthro); Nina Wale (U Mich, last year’s winner); and Isabel Gordo (Portugal, pop gen). Papers by committee members, their students and lab group members are not eligible, and articles by their co-authors or close associates are subject to special conditions.  The winner will be invited to present a talk at the  meeting of the International Society for Evolution and Medicine.

Learn more about submitting a nomination.

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