The Evolution and Medicine Review and the associated EvMedNetwork were created in 2008 by Randolph Nesse and Catriona McCallum to connect people and ideas that would further develop the field of evolutionary medicine. The Review and the Network developed into The International Society for Evolution, Medicine & Public Health, which now maintains the site, with Randolph Nesse as the Editor.
The field of evolutionary medicine is growing fast but a large gap still separates evolutionary biology from medicine (Nesse & Stearns 2008). Relevant research remains dispersed across many different existing subdisciplines (e.g. infectious disease, genetics, anthropology and psychology). Workers applying an evolutionary framework in one discipline often know little about relevant work in other disciplines. New research is neglected, and misgivings about a line of research can take years to surface. The Evolution & Medicine Review aims to help bridge that gap.
The Evolution & Medicine Review publishes news about ISEMPH events, other events and job postings relevant to evolution and medicine, links to relevant articles, and essays on current topics of interest to the evolution and medicine community. Your contributions are welcome. Please send ideas for articles, or links to articles that others would like to know about to [email protected]