The International Society for Evolution, Medicine & Public Health has just announced an article by Sara Myers as the winner of the 2017 George C. Williams Prize. Myers, along with her colleagues Oskar Burger and Sarah E. Johns from the University of Kent, Canterbury, are recognized for their paper, “Postnatal depression and reproductive success in modern, low-fertility contexts.” The paper was published in Issue 1, volume 2016 of Evolution, Medicine & Public Health.   EMPH is an open access Oxford University Press Journal sponsored by ISEMPH.  Special offer: Those attending the ISEMPH or ESEB meetings in August in Groningen Netherlands are eligible to submit a paper to the journal without the usual author’s fees. 

The prize committee included Katie Hinde, Ruth Mace and committee chair Andrew Read. The winners will receive a $5,000 prize, courtesy of the generous Doris Williams and other donors, and an invitation to present their paper at the annual meeting of the Society in Groningen in August. Congratulations to Sarah, Oskar and Sarah!

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