The $5,000 George C Williams Prize for the most significant article published in 2019 in Evolution, Medicine and Public Health is awarded to the paper: Interpreting polygenic scores, polygenic adaptation, and human phenotypic differences by Noah Rosenberg, Michael Edge, Jonathan Pritchard and Marcus Feldman.
The paper focuses on potential misunderstandings of ongoing discoveries in human genomics. The Committee (David Houle, Neil Greenspan, Jenny Tung, Andrew Read (Chair)) agreed that the paper has important messages that will resonate across many fields of medicine and beyond. It is an outstanding example of how clarity of evolutionary thought is necessary to constructively advance discussions on sensitive and controversial topics involving humanity such as race and the causes of health disparities.
All articles published in Evolution, Medicine and Public Health in 2020 will be automatically considered for next year’s $5000 Williams Prize. The fully open access flagship journal of the International Society for Evolution, Medicine and Public Health, EMPH is published by Oxford University Press. It has an impact factor of 4.222 and is ranked 11th out of 50 journals in evolutionary biology. Author’s guidelines are here, or contact the Executive Editor Charles Nunn with your ideas for possible submissions.

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