Many thanks to Brandon Hidaka for a very wakeful synopsis on the SLEEP session! David Samson began this stimulating session with a presentation about how sleep behavior differs between WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic) humans and a group of...
Thanks to Neil Greenspan for this commentary. Neil Greenspan (Case Western Reserve University) introduced the topic by describing the types of genetic mutations that can affect phenotypes: 1) variants inherited by parents from a grandparent and then transmitted...
This excellent and informative post from Pryce Michener from Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee, on the Immune Response Session. This session dealt with immune response and the evolution of the immune system. One of the highlights of the session was a...
Commentary on the Evolutionary Medicine and Non-human Primates session. Bruce Rothschild, Carnegie Museum, reporting. Non-human primate environmental interactions characterized this session. Life adversity experiences clearly reduce future fitness and fertility,...
Cracking op-ed piece in the LA Times from EMR correspondent Marlene Zuk. Commenting on the spread of infection by the Zika virus, carried by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, Zuk argues that Aedes has evolved and domesticated itself to humans through...