Videos from Palo Alto Evolutionary Medicine Conference

Seventeen  videos are now  available on The Palo Alto Institute YouTube Channel, from NEW OPPORTUNITIES AT THE INTERSECTION OF EVOLUTION AND MEDICINE: A GATHERING OF SCIENTISTS AND ENTREPRENEURS.  The conference was held at Stanford University on May 8th, 2012, and...

A survey on evolution in medical education

Invitation to Health Professionals, Faculty, and Students to Participate in a Survey on Evolutionary Biology in Medical Education This survey, organized by Indiana University, is the most extensive to date on the role of evolutionary biology in medical education.  It...

Genetic networks, levels of selection, and adaptive evolution

Between “design” and “bricolage”: Genetic networks, levels of selection, and adaptive evolution By Adam S. Wilkins* Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 May 15; 104(suppl. 1): 8590–8596. doi:  10.1073/pnas.0701044104 (open access) Abstract:  The extent to which...

Human genomic disease variants: A neutral evolutionary explanation

By  Dudley JT, Kim Y, Liu L, Markov GJ, Gerold K, Chen R, Butte AJ, Kumar S. In Genome Res. 2012 Jun 4 (not open access) Abstract:   Many perspectives on the role of evolution in human health include non-empirical assumptions concerning the adaptive evolutionary...