The Journal of Cell Biology is publishing a series on evolution and the origins and functions of cell components. See this link for a list of articles in the series. Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailPrintWhatsAppLinkedInLike this:Like...
Evolutionary Genetics of Coronary Heart Disease By Keyue Ding, and Iftikhar J. Kullo Circulation 2009, 119:459-467 (open access) Susceptibility to common diseases such as coronary heart disease (CHD) may in part reflect historical or evolutionary legacies,3,4 and...
Overlooking Evolution: A Systematic Analysis of Cancer Relapse and Therapeutic Resistance Research By Aktipis CA , Kwan VSY , Johnson KA , Neuberg SL , Maley CC PLoS ONE 6(11): e26100. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026100 Cancer therapy selects for cancer cells resistant...
Functional evolution of nuclear structure Journal of Cell Biology; doi: 10.1083/jcb.201103171 Katherine L. Wilson and Scott C. Dawson The evolution of the nucleus, the defining feature of eukaryotic cells, was long shrouded in speculation and mystery. There is now...
By Bernard Crespi Molecular Antagonistic Pleiotropy: Fertility-Mortality Tradeoffs Mediated by BRCA1 and 2 Trade-offs between growth, maintenance, and reproduction represent a central tenet of both life history theory and evolutionary medicine. At the levels of...