Darwin’s in the Hospital–Museum Exhibit at UCL

An exhibition at University College Hospital, London, on Darwin’s life and work. Our exhibition commemorates the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication ofOn the Origin of Species. On this page, you’ll find downloadable...

Making evolutionary biology a basic science for medicine–PNAS

This article summarizes suggestions from several groups that have considered how evolutionary biology can be useful in medicine, what physicians should learn about it, and when and how they should learn it.  It is based on a Sackler Colloquium at the USA National...

Early Development and Reproductive Health (Workshop report)

Early Development and Reproductive Health in Later Life One of five workshops in a conference on Evolution and Diseases of Modern Environments Organized by Randolph Nesse, at the Berlin Charité,  October 13-14, 2009 In conjunction with The World Health Summit...

Evolution and Mental Disorders (Workshop report)

Evolution and Mental Disorders Report from a Workshop led by Martin Brüne, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Bochum, Germany Alfonso Troisi, Professor of Psychopathology, University of Rome Tor Vergata Workshop summary by rapporteur Daniel Stein, University of...

Sanitizing the hygiene hypothesis (Workshop Report)

Sanitizing the hygiene hypothesis: Health lessons from human co-evolution with microorganisms Report from a Workshop led by Kathleen Barnes, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University and Erika von Mutius, Professor of Pediatrics, University Children’s...