Human Biology Association Plenary on Mismatch April 1st

A Plenary Session on Mismatch will be a highlight of the annual scientific meeting of the Human Biology Association.  It  will be April 1, 2009 in Chicago from noon to 5:30 held in conjunction with the annual meetings of the American Association of Physical...

Videos on evolution and medicine

A growing collection of videos on evolution and medicine is available on the web, including podcasts and videos from NIH, a series of 38 lectures, and an uncut video of Richard Dawkins interviewing Randolph Nesse.  See the EMR Video Resources for details.  If you know...

Cambridge Darwin Festival July 5-10

The University of Cambridge is mounting a truly extraordinary Darwin Festival July 5-10, 2009.  Week long tickets are sold out, but day tickets may still be available. no prescription Share...

Sackler Colloquium on Evolution in Health and Medicine

Evolution in Health and Medicine Organized by Peter Ellison, Diddahally R. Govindaraju, Randolph M. Nesse and Stephen C. Stearns April 2-3, 2009 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Evolution, genetics and medicine share a long and distinguished tradition....

Lancet Special Issue on Evolution

The December 2008 Lancet is a Special Issue:  Darwin’s Gifts. Click above image to read content free online.  Downloads of  Articles are available only to subscribers. Clicking on “Preview” below does not work, but if you click on “Full...