This supplement, sponsored by 10 participating NIH institutes and centers and the Office of the Director. is available without charge for all of your students .  Paper versions are being mailed now, the web version is also available.  The teacher’s supplement is now available For details seethe NIH website  for curriculum supplements.

Grades 912
Students explore evolutionary principles and learn how evolution informs human health, biomedical problems, and disease treatment. The supplement contains two weeks of lessons that are easily integrated into your curriculum and are aligned to national and state standards.

1. Ideas about the Role of Evolution in Medicine Recognize that the mechanisms of evolution, especially adaptation by natural selection, enhance medical practice and understanding. Using an evolutionary tree, explore how common ancestry shapes the characteristics of living organisms.
2. Investigating Lactose Intolerance and Evolution Understand that natural selection is the only evolutionary mechanism to consistently yield adaptations and that some of the variation among humans that may affect health is distributed geographically.
3. Evolutionary Processes and Patterns Inform Medicine Examine how health and disease are related to human evolution and understand why some diseases are more common in certain parts of the world. Analyze data and apply principles of natural selection to explain the relatively high frequency of disease in certain populations.
4. Using Evolution to Understand Influenza Understand how comparisons of genetic sequences are important for studying biomedical problems and informing public health decisions. Apply evolutionary theory to explain the emergence and spread of infectious diseases.
5. Evaluating Evolutionary Explanations Understand the importance of evidence in interpreting examples of evolution and medicine. Appreciate that natural selection and common ancestry can explain why humans are susceptible to many diseases.
Supplement cover page for 'Evolution and Medicine'
Sponsored by 10 participating NIH institutes and centers and the Office of the Director.

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