HIV Infection Disrupts the Sympatric Host–Pathogen Relationship in Human Tuberculosis By Fenner L, Egger M, Bodmer T, Furrer H, Ballif M, et al. (2013) . PLoS Genet 9(3): e1003318. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1003318 Open Access
Author Summary Human tuberculosis (TB) caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis kills 1.5 million people each year. M. tuberculosis has been affecting humans for millennia, suggesting that different strain lineages may be adapted to specific human populations. The combination of a particular strain lineage and its corresponding patient population can be classified as sympatric (e.g. Euro-American lineage in Europeans) or allopatric (e.g. East-Asian lineage in Europeans). We hypothesized that infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which impairs the human immune system, will interfere with this host–pathogen relationship. We performed a nation-wide molecular-epidemiological study of HIV–infected and HIV–negative TB patients between 2000 and 2008 in Switzerland. We found that HIV infection was associated with the less adapted allopatric lineages among patients born in Europe, and this was not explained by social or other patient factors such as increased social mixing in HIV–infected individuals. Strikingly, the association between HIV infection and less adapted M. tuberculosis lineages was stronger in patients with more pronounced immunodeficiency. Our observation was replicated in a second independent panel of M. tuberculosis strains collected during a population-based study in the Canton of Bern. In summary, our study provides evidence that the sympatric host–pathogen relationship in TB is disrupted by HIV infection.
Phylogeography of the six main Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineages
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