Sign up now for April and May ClubEvMed events! (And submit your ISEMPH2021 abstract by Friday!) Postdoc Spotlight Thursday, April 29th at 12pm EDT/18:00 CEST Join us for a special Club EvMed where we’ll be highlighting some of the exciting work done by postdoctoral...
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Die young, live fast: is accelerated reproduction an adaptive response to early life adversity in wild baboons? Wednesday, April 21st at 12pm EDT/18:00 CEST. Sign up here for the meeting link. Join us for a conversation with Elizabeth Archie, Associate Professor of...
The $5000 Gilbert S. Omenn Prize is awarded by the International Society for Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health for the best article published in the previous calendar year on a topic related to evolution in the context of medicine and public health. Nominations...