A new strategy for preventing antibiotic resistance

A new strategy for preventing antibiotic resistance

Novel strategy from the Read group: Use an IV antibiotic but give an agent that binds it in the gut. Morley, V. J., Kinnear, C. L., Sim, D. G., Olson, S. N., Jackson, L. M., Hansen, E., Usher, G. A., Showalter, S. A., Pai, M. P., Woods, R. J., & Read, A. F....
Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health Research Articles in 2020

Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health Research Articles in 2020

Below is a list of ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLES published in EMPH so far this year. Covid delays have slowed publication of final pdf versions, but almost all of them are now available. Fish consumption is associated with school performance in children in a non-linear...
Sex Differences in Immunity

Sex Differences in Immunity

Wednesday, 09.12.2020, 13.00 – 16.30, online event sponsored by the Zurich Institute for Evolutionary Medicine: Sex Differences in Immunity and the Trade-Off between Immune Defense and Autoimmunity from an Evolutionary Perspective This is a public online event and...

EvMed Double-header Tuesday

Nov 17 at 11 am ET: ClubEvMed Social immunity: cooperative disease defense in social insect colonies with Sylvia Cremer https://sites.duke.edu/clubevmed/upcoming/ Nov 17 at noon ET: HBES Roundtable discussion on Life History Theory as Applied to Inter-Individual...