Postdoc at MSU Evo-Med-Ed

Postdoc at MSU Evo-Med-Ed

Michigan State University has an opening for a postdoctoral research associate on the Evo-Med-Ed Project, an NSF-funded project that aims to design, pilot, and test a set of interactive and integrative instructional materials for biology focused on the evolutionary...
ClubEvMed Fall Schedule

ClubEvMed Fall Schedule

The schedule for ClubEvMed has just been announced. See the website for details and sign up for the mailing list to get a weekly update and invitation to register for each week’s meeting. Club EvMed is a web series launched in April 2020 to keep the evolutionary...
ClubEvMed Fall Schedule

Sign up for ClubEvMed Now!

ClubEvMed has a new website at Check out upcoming events, videos of past webinars, and sign up for notifications so you can register for future events. Next event Monday, July 20th at 12pm ETHemoglobin and high-altitude hypoxia: evolution and...

ClubEvMed Events

See this webpage for upcoming ClubEvMed events and videos of past events. All are welcome but you must sign up ahead of time for these Zoom Webinars that provide a short talk followed by questions and discussion. Thursday, June 11th at 11am ET Tacit creationism in...