It has long been recognized (at least in evolutionarily informed circles) that the immune system faces a dire tradeoff: too little or too specific a immune response and pathogens triumph, too much or too nonspecific and the system attacks host tissues. A new...
Sociobiology is one thing, but sociovirology? Yes , indeed. In the realm of viruses it can be tricky to define an individual, and mutation rates are high, but as for all other life, there is kinship and cooperation and competition that can be illuminated by...
Bolnick, D. I., Steinel, N., Reynolds, A. W., & Bolnick, D. A. (2017). Learning Objectives for Weaving Evolutionary Thinking into Medical Education. Medical Science Educator, 27(1), 137–145. This new article...
Amorim, C. E. G., Gao, Z., Baker, Z., Diesel, J. F., Simons, Y. B., Haque, I. S., … Przeworski, M. (2017). The population genetics of human disease: The case of recessive, lethal mutations. PLOS Genetics, 13(9), e1006915.