The 1966 publication of Adaptation and Natural Selection by George Williams was a milestone for biology in general, and a seminal event for evolution and medicine. As Boomsma argues in this article from Current Biology celebrating the 50th anniversary of its...
This is the second of our op-ed features, contributed by David Raichlen, Associate Professor in the School of Anthropology at the University of Arizona. What hunter-gatherers can teach us about exercise. Exercise is beneficial to health. This may be the most obvious...
Sponsored by the Arizona State University Center for Evolution and Medicine In collaboration with the ASU Biosocial Complexity Initiative Live streaming link at the CEM Website on the symposium day This free symposium brings together experts from evolutionary biology,...
The Arc of Life: Evolution and Health Across the Life Course Eds. Grazyna Jazienska, Diana S. Sherry, & Donna J. Holmes Springer, 2017. Review by Daniel Hruschka, MPH, PhD School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University For half a century,...