The Aβ story: rehabilitation of a bad boy

The Aβ story: rehabilitation of a bad boy

[See all posts on this Hot Topic] Robert D. Moir Genetics and Aging Research Unit, Mass General Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease; Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, Massachusetts, USA    ...
Antibiotics as panacea, or as opening Pandora’s box?

Antibiotics as panacea, or as opening Pandora’s box?

Welcome to HOT TOPIC, Evmedreview’s latest special feature of compelling, in-depth articles from major voices in the field of evolutionary medicine, highlighting urgent problems in the world of medicine today that evolutionary medicine has either identified, or upon...
New Evolution and Medicine Program at University of Münster

New Evolution and Medicine Program at University of Münster

12 PhD positions available in the new Research Training Group “Evolutionary Processes in Adaptation and Disease” (EvoPAD): PhD projects in Biology, Medicine, and Philosophy Start: 1st April 2017. 3-year positions (TV-L E13 65 %) The new DFG-funded Research Training...