Why is there a large difference in susceptibility to cancer among the different body organs? Why, for instance, is it rare to find cancer in the small bowel and heart, but common in the colon and breast? And why, although it often produces benign fibroid tumors, is...
Evmed correspondent Andrew Read has this interesting, counter-intuitive, piece about malaria resistance, written with colleague Mark Thomas. It is a commentary on a recent paper in PNAS by Viana, Hughes, Matthiopoulos, Ranson and Ferguson. “Delayed mortality...
There is a great deal of scientific work on the relationship between states of inflammation in the body – routinely caused by bacterial or viral infection – and the brain. Specifically, the idea that inflammation in the periphery can communicate itself to...
When did tuberculosis arrive as a major lung pathogen of humans? Rebecca Chisholm, James Trauer, Darren Curnoe and Mark Tanaka, all from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, have presented a very nice story purporting to demonstrate how human cultural...