Humans Never Stopped Evolving

I am acquainted with Steve Jones, professor of zoology at University College, London. He’s a lovely science writer and has talked a lot of sense. But I have never understood why he is so implacably opposed to the idea that Homo sapiens continues to evolve. He...

Where there is smoke there may be human evolution

Researchers at Penn State have discovered a mutation in the gene for the aryl hydrocarbon receptor which would desensitise an individual’s reaction to the aromatic hydrocarbons in smoke from cooking fires, and in meat roasted upon them, and through exposure to burning...

Earliest Human Cancer Found in 1.7-Million-Year-Old Bone

Many thanks to Cynthia Beall for flagging up this interesting Scientific American piece about the discovery of an osteosarcoma in the toe bone of an as yet unidentified hominin discovered in the Swartkrans Cave and dated to around 1.7 million years ago. The source...

Decoding Human Accelerated Regions

Katherine Pollard, now at the Gladstone Institute, has done most, over the last decade, to research and identify small non-coding regions of the humane genome that have evolved very rapidly since the split from the last common ancestor with chimpanzees. Hence they are...