Researchers at Griffith University in Queensland, Australia, are the first to completely document the entire route by which bacteria can get into the brain by passing through the nasal mucosa, traveling up the trigeminal nerve, and entering the brain through the...
What events have most shaped our human genomes since the split of our ancestors from the ancestors of chimpanzees? What has been the main driving force for human gene evolution? Climate comes to mind; nutrition also; ecology is linked to both. Then there’s social...
Alvergne, Alexandra, Crispin Jenkinson, and Charlotte Faurie, eds. Evolutionary Thinking in Medicine: From Research to Policy and Practice. Springer, 2016. (free preview available) From the publisher’s webpage ( “The aim of this edited book...
Telomeres are caps of tandem repeats of DNA that protect the ends of all chromosomes. They are implicated in ageing because, with successive bouts of cell division, they are gradually whittled away to expose chromosomes to damage and, eventually, an inability to...