Behavior and vulnerability to disease

Thanks again to Cynthia Beall for covering this session for the Evmedreview.   The session on behavior and vulnerability to disease covered anxiety, post-partum depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and the ‘fourth trimester’ of pregnancy. The...

Andrea Graham and Soay sheep

Many thanks to Cynthia Beall for this commentary on Andrea Graham’s Plenary talk “Why do immune systems harm their bearers? The evolutionary biology of friendly fire”.  Andrea Graham of Princeton University walked us through a tale of two species and...

Frontiers in evolutionary medicine

Ashley Snyder presents this commentary on the session “Frontiers in evolutionary medicine.”   Evolutionary medicine considers so many different fields of study. The presentations in “Frontiers of evolutionary medicine” represented work on the past, in...

Evolution of pathogens

This commentary on the evolution of pathogens session just in from Elizabeth (Betsy) Uhl.   This interesting and important gem of a session started with a presentation by Joseph Graves about how E. coli bacteria like their bling – or rather how they do not like...