Videos of most of the lectures at the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratories 2011 course on Evolution and Medicine are now available at the NESCent channel on YouTube. They offer a valuable resource for courses that cover evolution and medicine.


In the summer of 2011, the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) co-sponsored a one-week intensive course for medical practitioners and clinicians, titled “Evolutionary Foundations for Medicine and Public Health.” This was the first Continuing Medical Education course on evolutionary medicine. It was sponsored and hosted by the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine, and organized by Course Director Randolph Nesse. Faculty included William Aird, Gillian Bentley, Carl Bergstrom, Peter Ellision, Peter Gluckman, Chris Reiber and Stephen Stearns. Forty physicians, scientists, and educators from around the world attended. These videos were filmed by Sam Ellison, and posted on YouTube thanks to NESCent and the NESCent Working Group on Evolution and Medicine led by Mark Schwartz and Peter Ellison.

General information about the course


Course resources

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