Unconscious biological roots of xenophobia and anti-immigration

Unconscious biological roots of xenophobia and anti-immigration

Immigration has become one of the most controversial and vitriolic issues of recent times, whether concerning illegal immigration of Mexicans into the US; economic migrants throughout the European Union; or refugees fleeing starvation or draconian political regimes...
Alison Feder wins 2017 Omenn Prize

Alison Feder wins 2017 Omenn Prize

  The International Society for Evolution, Medicine & Public Health has just announced the winner of the 2017 Omenn Prize. It is Alison Feder, and her colleagues, of Stanford University, for their paper in eLife titled “More effective drugs lead to...
An evolutionary approach to kidney function and disease

An evolutionary approach to kidney function and disease

Evmedreview is very pleased to feature a paper on evolutionary nephrology by Robert L. Chevalier. Robert joined the University of Virginia in 1978 where he established the now internationally recognized Division of Pediatric Nephrology. Since 2010 he has devoted...
Why resistance develops to antibiotics but not vaccines

Why resistance develops to antibiotics but not vaccines

David Kennedy and Andrew Read have kindly supplied the following teaser for their latest paper in Proceedings Of The Royal Society B. As they point out, this “armchair speculation” has elicited a gamut of reactions ranging from awe to scorn and so we are...