Clonal evolution in cancer Mel Greaves & Carlo C. Maley Nature 481, 306–313 (19 January 2012) doi:10.1038/nature10762 Abstract Cancers evolve by a reiterative process of clonal expansion, genetic diversification and clonal selection within the adaptive landscapes...
Hitchhiking effect of a beneficial mutation spreading in a subdivided population. Kim Y, Maruki T. Genetics. 2011 Sep;189(1):213-26. (not open access) A central problem in population genetics is to detect and analyze positive natural selection by which beneficial...
The December 2011 Evolution Education and Outreach is a Special Issue devoted to Evolution and Medicine, edited by Kristin Jenkins and Micheal Antolin. A link to the special issue is here. Some articles are available on the author’s personal websites....
Evolutionary Biology and Drug Development By Pierre M. Durand and Theresa L. Coetzer Reference: Pierre M. Durand and Theresa L. Coetzer (2011). Evolutionary Biology and Drug Development, Drug Discovery and Development – Present and Future, Izet M. Kapetanovic...
The December issue of the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry has three open access articles on evolutionary approaches to depression and anxiety disorders. Why Has Natural Selection Left Us So Vulnerable to Anxiety and Mood Disorders? Randolph M Nesse Anxiety: An...