Read the latest articles here Editorial COVID-19 and Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health Charles L Nunn Original Research Articles Editor’s choiceHygiene may attenuate selection for antibiotic resistance by changing microbial community structure Magnus Aspenberg,...
The $5000 Gilbert S. Omenn Prize is awarded by the International Society for Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health for best article published in the previous calendar year on a topic related to evolution in the context of medicine and public health. ...
Join ISEMPH or renew your membership before March 31 using code “ISEMPH2023” at checkout to get a 20% discount. Member benefits include: Substantially reduced meeting fees – Join and pay before registering for the meeting to get the discount Early notice...
Abstract submission Meeting registration Travel and Lodging Program Membership discounts until March 15 using code ISEMPH2023 Evolutionary medicine is growing fast, and ISEMPH 2023 will gather...