An opening is available for an Assistant or Associate Professor of Anthropology at Baylor University. The Department of Anthropology within the College of Arts & Sciences at Baylor University is accepting applications for an assistant (tenure-track) OR associate...
ISEMPH 2022 delegates from 23 nations on 6 continents will hear 8 plenary talks, 70 talks in parallel sessions, and will chat, drink wine, and nibble cheese while viewing 60 posters in Lisbon July 5-8. You can still join us but regular registration ends June 15. 20...
The Institute of Evolutionary Medicine is pleased to announce the in-person and Zoom Mini-Symposium and Workshop “Modern medicine meets palaeoanthropology: clinical and evolutionary insights on human birth difficulty”. Monday, 13 June 2022: Short...
The ISEMPH 2022 program is now final and online, thanks to Program Chairs Michael Hochberg and Alejandra Nuñez De La Mora and the Program Committee. Discounted early registration expires on Sunday May 15, but the discount will still be available on May 16 to avoid...