ISEMPH2019: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR EVOLUTION, MEDICINE, AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2019 Zurich, Switzerland FULL PROGRAM WITH ABSTRACTS is below in a very long single page.You can also download a .docx of all abstracts here. PROGRAM FOR TUESDAY, AUGUST 13TH 09:00-12:00...
The Laboratory for Evolutionary Medicine ( at Baylor University is searching for a postdoctoral fellow, with a generous contract renewable for multiple years, to work with Dr. Michael Muehlenbein on a variety of projects relating to...
Assistant Professor in Human Genetics The Department of Anthropology within the College of Arts & Sciences at Baylor University is accepting applications for an assistant professor (tenure-track). This position is open to applicants with research and...
This is an open access preprint of a book chapter by Derek Painter, Julia Damerow and Manfred Laubichler that will be published in The Dynamics of Science: Computational Frontiers in History and Philosophy of Science. It follows the genesis of evolutionary medicine...