Fresh challenge to “thrifty gene” hypothesis

Fresh challenge to “thrifty gene” hypothesis

Back in 1962, James Neel proposed the “thrifty-gene” hypothesis to explain rising epidemics of metabolic syndrome – obesity and its closely associated co-morbidities – throughout the western world. This suggested that, since obesity has a strong genetic...
Special Free Evolutionary Medicine  Symposium Nov 10 in Berlin

Special Free Evolutionary Medicine Symposium Nov 10 in Berlin

On the morning of Thursday November 10 at Humboldt University 7 leading evolutionary and clinical scientists will present short talks that will be of interest to the general public, as well as scientists and health professionals. It is free and open to the public and...
Live Webcast of EvMed Symposium Friday Oct 14, 1-5 pm PDT

Live Webcast of EvMed Symposium Friday Oct 14, 1-5 pm PDT

A free live webcast of “Implications of Anthropogeny for Medicine and Health,” will be streamed from 1:00 to 5:30 pm Pacific Daylight Time on Friday October 14. The symposium is co-sponsored by CARTA and The ASU Center for Evolution & Medicine, and organized by...
Disabling the smoke detector in sepsis – brand new Op-Ed feature

Disabling the smoke detector in sepsis – brand new Op-Ed feature

A few months ago, the editors of Evmedreview decided to open an Op-Ed feature and asked Joe Alcock if he would kick this new venture off by writing a series of op-ed articles, once a month. Thankfully, Joe agreed and this is the first article of the new Op-Ed feature....