The resistance of numerous bacterial pathogens of major clinical significance to many or all relevant antibiotics has become a public health threat of such magnitude that the latest U.N. General Assembly decided to hold a one-day meeting to address the issue (1)....
Back on June 4th I published a post on the Evmedreview which I titled “A new role for an old villain”. In it I documented the recent research by Rob Moir of Harvard University which has shown that beta-amyloid – long accused of causing...
A research group drawn from the University of Chicago and University of Nottingham, UK, has just published a paper on Peto’s Paradox with direct reference to the evolution of large body size in elephants. This link takes you to the abstract where there is a...
The Center for Evolution & Medicine (CEM) at Arizona State University (ASU) invites applications from exceptional early career scientists for the Evolution & Medicine Research Fellowship. The Fellowship brings talented researchers with a recently awarded...