PhD job announcement from IEM, Zurich

PhD job announcement from IEM, Zurich

Just in from Kaspar Staub, the Institute Manager at the Institute of Evolutionary Medicine in Zurich, is this announcement for a placement for a motivated PhD student to study ancient microbiomes. The project is actually titled “”Evolution of the human...

Storify twitter retrospective on ISEMPH16

Storify has just published a whole list of tweets from delegates to ISEMPH16. A useful and fun retrospective! Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailPrintWhatsAppLinkedInLike this:Like...

Microbes Mess With Your Mind

The idea that gut microbes can communicate with the brain to change behavior and, correspondingly, that signals from the brain can influence microbial gut populations has been around for a while and most of us in evmed land are pretty convinced by these links. Joe...