Telomere length and the cancer – atherosclerosis trade-off

Telomeres are caps of tandem repeats of DNA that protect the ends of all chromosomes. They are implicated in ageing because, with successive bouts of cell division, they are gradually whittled away to expose chromosomes to damage and, eventually, an inability to...

Microbiome of breast links to breast cancer

This is yet another story of the profound and complex ways our microbiomes affect our health. Scientists Delphine Lee, Alfred Chan and others from the John Wayne Cancer Institute in Santa Monica, Ca have been studying the role of the microbiome in breast cancer, by...

Time to abandon the hygiene hypothesis

An important paper from several prominent members of the microbiome and health research community, including Fergus Shanahan and Graham Rook. They are not arguing that we should disregard the rapidly-accumulating mass of research which links our gut microbiome with...