A most intriguing article by Moises Velasquez-Manoff showed up in this week’s NY Times magazine. It starts with the new data showing that meat allergy can be precipitated by a tick bite. Alpha-gal (Galactose-alpha-1,3,-galactose) is present in other...
Amyloid beta is turning out to be an effective antimicrobial not a rouge dangerous byproduct. The slowness to recognize its function illustrates the danger of pursing only proximate explanations without thinking deeply about why selection shaped mechanisms to...
The University of Utah School of Medicine has designated the Fourth Annual ISEMPH meeting for up to 29.75 hours of AMA PRA Category I Credit. The meeting also includes a special wilderness medicine preconference August 1st. The 4th Annual International Society...
The Department of Anthropology at Baylor University seeks to fill a post-doctoral fellowship focused on biomedical anthropology. This Fellow will join a growing department with interest in applied perspectives on the anthropology of health, broadly conceived....